


作品名称:Triptych of the crucified Martyr (c. 1497)
其他名称:The Crucifixion of Saint Wilgefortis
艺术家:耶罗尼米斯·博斯 Hieronymus Bosch (荷兰, 1450 - 1516)
实际尺寸:104 cm × 119 cm
现位于:Gallerie dell'Accademia, Venice



《圣威尔格福特的受难》是早期尼德兰画家耶罗尼米斯·博斯(Hieronymus Bosch)在1497年左右创作的一幅三联画。这幅画的主题一直不确定,它也被称为《被钉死的殉道者三联画》或《圣朱莉娅的受难》,但现在被认为描绘的是圣威尔格福特(也被称为圣恩坎伯或圣利伯塔)。

像许多博世的画作一样,这幅作品的日期长期存在争议,直到树龄分析认为它是在1497年左右。[1] 它被保存在威尼斯的公爵宫,现在被威尼斯的艺术学院美术馆收藏。


被钉在十字架上的女性形象通常被认为是科西嘉岛的圣朱莉娅,她是罗马公民尤西比乌斯的迦太基奴隶;据说她因为拒绝崇拜异教之神而被地方官费利克斯钉死在十字架上。这幅画从2013年到2015年被修复,以纳入2016年纪念博什去世500周年的展览中。修复后发现圣人留有胡须,加强了对圣人威尔格福特(Saint Wilgefortis)(在英国也被称为圣恩坎伯,在意大利被称为圣利伯塔)的识别;她是一位年轻女子,据说她发过贞洁的誓言,并祈祷失去她的美貌,以避免在她父亲的怂恿下与一位穆斯林国王进行不受欢迎的婚姻:当她奇迹般地长出胡须后,婚约被取消,她的父亲将她钉在了十字架上。


这幅画在中央面板的左下方有签名"Jheronimus bosch"。背面已经被搂住了,侧板背面的任何图像都已经丢失,这些图像在门关闭时可以看到。


The Crucifixion of Saint Wilgefortis is a c. 1497 triptych by the Early Netherlandish painter Hieronymus Bosch. The subject of the painting has been uncertain, and it has also been known as the Triptych of the Crucified Martyr, or The Crucifixion of Saint Julia, but is now believed to depict Saint Wilgefortis (also known as St Uncumber or St Liberata).

Like many Bosch paintings, the date of this work was long disputed, until dendrochronological analysis assigned it to around 1497. It was held in the Palazzo Ducale in Venice, and now in the collection of the Gallerie dell'Accademia in Venice.

The three panels of the triptych are made from oak. The central round-topped panel measures 105 cm × 63 cm (41 in × 25 in) and depicts the crucifixion of a female saint before a crowd of spectators. In a depiction related to Christ's crucifixion, the woman is in an elevated position against the sky, looking up to her salvation, balanced by a large crowd gathered at the foot of the cross, including executioners and common people, with the typical element of a fainting man supported by his neighbours.

The crucified female figure was often identified as Saint Julia of Corsica, the Carthaginian slave of a Roman citizen Eusebius; she was reputedly crucified by a magistrate Felix for refusing to worship the pagan gods. The painting was restored from 2013 to 2015 to include in an exhibition to mark the 500th anniversary of Bosch's death in 2016. The restoration revealed the saint is bearded, reinforcing the identification as Saint Wilgefortis (also known as St Uncumber in England, or as St Liberata in Italy); she was a young woman who reputedly took a vow of virginity, and prayed to lose her beauty to avoid an unwanted marriage at her father's instigation to a Muslim king: the engagement was cancelled when she miraculously grew a beard, and her father had her crucified.

The half-size side panels depict, to the left, a hermit with a dark hood (perhaps St. Anthony in Meditation) on a parapet before a city with people fleeing from a fire. To the right, a monk and a soldier – traditionally identified as slave-dealers – point at the central panel, with a port in the background which has fanciful domed buildings and several sunken ships in the harbour. X-rays and infrared reflectograms have revealed that each side panel originally included a portrait of a large kneeling man, but these donor portraits were painted over by Bosch.

The painting is signed to lower left of the central panel "Jheronimus bosch" [sic]. The back has been cradled and any images on the back of the side panels, which would be visible when the doors were closed, have been lost.


图片尺寸:53671 x 47584 像素
图片大小:259 MB

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